Gameplan Agency New Unsecured Lending Partner

Personal Loans, Credit Cards, Business Loans

· unsecuredloan,startuploan,lender,filmlender

If you ever wanted to start a business, or develop a project or an idea and were told no.

Your not alone, thousands of entrepreneurs, inventors, and idea creators and filmmakers, have been told no. That they are not able to get a loan, due to the risk of providing funding for a high risk idea, such as a new startup company, or a game, or film.

This is why our firm, GamePlan Agency is different. Not only did we look for a lender, who would fund our clients, who had goals and dreams of starting a business, but we also wanted to have the option, of enabling any of our clients, with the opportunity to utilize their credit.

Something, which you might hear about. is that many people go into the world, and get a school loan, they utilize, their credit or their parents credit. To go to school and get a 4 year degree, what if, you could utilize that same money. And now instead of getting into debt, you can obtain capital, and buy assets.

IT could be that you want to start a real estate investment firm, or a film production or even an online game company or a a content developer. Whatever the idea maybe, you will be able to utilize, our new partner.

Our partner is unlike many in the industry, which are focused on utilizing current assets. We found a lending partner. That utilizes, credit and basic income only as a pre-requisite for a loan.

Most lenders, wont do that especially with an usecured loan. But due to the fact that this lender, has years of experience lending for high risk projects. We are now able to facilitate the loan for clients, in many locations.

You simply fill your information, and our lender specialist will call you directly and email you, with the information on the program.

Wether this is for a personal or a business or a startup, you can utilize, the funding from this program.

The best part is that the interest is 0% for 12 months sometimes longer. And you can get up to $300k, the only requirements they ask is a basic credit score of 750, and a job or income of over $50k a year. That is it, and 2 years of w2 if employed or if a business owner your 1099 etc.